Dr Asim Hussain urges resolution of vital issues


By Nasir Mahmood ‘NOTHING DONE TO EXPLORE SHALE GAS RESOURCES’; COURT GRANTS 10-DAY EXEMPTION  KARACHI: Dr Asim Hussain, former petroleum minister and leader of Pakistan Peoples’ Party has said that Pakistan is facing two serious problems, one of heavy debts and the other is shortage of natural gas. During past five years the government did […]

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Nation still awaits ‘Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan’

still awaits

By Dr Asim Hussain Seven decades have passed, today is the day when the entire nation is celebrating its 71stIndependence Day with full zeal and zest. We have attained this separate homeland after innumerable sacrifices of our ancestor. All those sacrifices were in terms of unending persecution and oppression by the Hindus and Britishers. That […]

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NAB failed to bring witness in JJVL case

JJVL case

By Nasir Mahmood DR ASIM URGES UNITY TO STEER COUNTRY OUT OF CRISIS KARACHI:  Dr Asim Hussain, former petroleum minister and leader of Pakistan Peoples’ Party, has urged the political parties to become united and must think of greater national interests.  He was talking to  the media outside the accountability court yesterday. Dr. Asim Hussain […]

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Dr Asim Hussain welcomes the ‘change’ in Pakistan


By Nasir Mahmood KARACHI: Dr Asim Hussain, former Petroleum minister and leader of Pakistan Peoples’ Party, has said that the “change” has occurred after general elections in the country. He was talking to media persons outside the accountability court yesterday. Replying to queries, Dr Asim that he has arrived from abroad a few days ago […]

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Water Crisis at pinnacle, must be tackled on priority


By Dr Asim Hussain CLEAN WATER A DREAM, IMPURE WATER A REALITY  Crisis seems to be a never ending occurrence in our country’s geographical structure that frequently takes place one after another. Pakistan is continuously facing a series of bad events since decades whether it   terrorism, extremism, poverty, unemployment, scarcity of electricity, religious intolerance, and […]

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