Pakistan Resolution: ‘Nipping evil of discrimination in bud’, uphold justice, peace and equality


By National Courier:

Our motherland is blessed by Allah Almighty and no anyone whosoever cannot dare to even put a dirty eye on Pakistan that came into being on Ramadhan 27. The nation is celebrating Pakistan Day today with immense patriotism,a Day when Muslims of sub-continent passed resolution for creating a new homeland for Muslims of un-divided India. “Our country surmounted unprecedented challenges over last 75 years and nation proved to be robust in face of extraordinary conditions”.

We are a great nation with more than fifty percent of youth-energetic and talented force to lead nation and country in times to come.I advise the motivated youth of Pakistan to practice and concentrate on higher values, quality education, ethics and cultural norms in the right way to achieve all their desired goals.

I am confident that there is a lot more we need to do for our country and for people of Pakistan in direction of their socio-economic well-being and fortifying our national institutions. Let us all pray for a strong and prosperous Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabad!