Dr Asim Hussain’s rich tribute to BB: PPP successfully taking Benazir’s legacy forward

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By National Courier:

Karachi: Senior PPP leader and former Petroleum Minister Dr Asim Hussain said that former Prime Minister Shaheed Benazir Bhutto laid down her life on motherland and her sacrifice would be remembered long. On 15th anniversary of BB’s martyrdom he said that now it is our obligation to “Complete BB’s mission she started for well-being of people and country forward together”. He said even today people have shown their loyalty and love towards her and have not forgotten her political ideas. 

Benazir Bhutto was a patriotic Pakistani and never compromised against interest of masses and country her name would remain in history of country and not only here but across world. She worked for well-being of poor masses, remained behind them in time of thick and thin and was real campaigner of democracy, Dr Asim remarked. She was so positive in her political thoughts and a personality of great wisdom that led country to path of socio-economic development during her tenures, he added. She had always voiced whether it was Kashmir, Palestinian or other international issues for upholding human fundamental rights and stood steadfast for a peaceful world order.

BB persona was so composed that she bore hard times in her political life with courage and dignity and never bowed down in front of tyrant and undemocratic forces, Dr Asim praised. Now it is our responsibility to follow her vision and achieve mission she had set out on, he asserted.