Dr Asim Hussain congratulates Shehbaz Sharif on becoming country’s new PM

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By National Courier:

KARACHI: Dr Asim Hussain, senior leader of Pakistan Peoples’ Party and former Minister for Petroleum has congratulated Shehbaz Sharif as newly elected 23rd premier of Pakistan.  Dr Asim commended the very first order of PM Shehbaz on raising of minimum wage of government employees to Rs 25,000 which is applicable from April 1.

Talking exclusively to Daily National Courier, PPP leader said it was for first time in history of Pakistan that a prime minister (Imran Khan) was ousted through no-confidence motion and added that among other relief measures, PM Shehbaz has announced to provide cheap wheat at utility stores, laptops for students and quality education will be provided to youth.  Dr Asim further said that revitalizing Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) is a good omen by the premier, which was discontinued by previous government and interlink it with education sector in a bid to facilitate people whose children go to school. “There is no doubt that hard work and sincerity is mandatory for Pakistan’s progress as if only statements could move country forward, then during PTI’s tenure, we would have been among leading nations,” Dr Asim said.

We need to take steps to make Pakistan an “investment heaven” for investors as their capital would help country move forward, PPP leader added.Moreover, Dr Asim on his Twitter handle also wrote “Congratulations newly elected PM Pakistan. All political parties must now work together to steer the country’s democracy in the right direction. They should prioritise economic development, poverty reduction while ensuring Pakistan’s prosperity and improvement.”