KARACHI: Residents of District Central have warmly greeted efforts of PPP leader Senator Dr. Asim Hussain especially introduction of automation system in registrar’s office for streamlining property registration. They said that now Central District and North Nazimabad Registrar Office has become a model district by using computer facility in office matters. Residents informed that under biometric system details of all property holders registered in Registrar’s Office can be easily viewed on computer. It will save precious time and extra expenses of residents. This is a great leap to end corruption in sale and purchase of property. Launch of a biometric system for property registration has provided a sigh of relief to area residents, they added.
Under efforts made by former Petroleum Minister Dr. Asim Hussain District Central is rapidly getting face lifting in all walks of life. While talking to this scribe Dr. Asim Hussain appealed to all citizens for collective efforts to get clean up city and get rid of corruption in various sections of life. His efforts are to get prepared especially in Central District to meet challenges of coming monsoon season and immediately discharge rains flood-waters through roads and nullahs.
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